Monday, June 11, 2012


It was Friday, May 4th, and my appendix had been removed. To make a long story short, my appendix almost burst, and I had an emergency appendectomy. I've recovered well, and in the process, it's helped jump start my weight loss. The week of my surgery, I weighed 176 lbs. I now weigh 160 lbs. I've just been running and eating healthier, and losing weight. I feel so great, and although I don't have a specific weight goal, I'm noticing a difference in my body already. I can't wait to lose another 20 some lbs and feel amazing. This is a short blog post, but a short update is better than no update.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Summer is almost here!

So I havent posted in a long time. I just want to elaborate on a few things that happened between my last post, and now.
1) I fell into a depression. Whether it was from homesickness or what, I don't know, but it hurt my motivation. 
2) The school musical. It was VERY difficult to have 4 hour rehearsals and find time to go to the gym, all while keeping a good sleep schedule and keeping up with homework.
3) School trips and projects and just not enough time to start a workout routine. I thought it would be easier, but it was MORE difficult to lose weight and exercise at school.

I have decided to do my weight loss over the summer. I will be eating better food, and even though I will be working, it will be easy to make time for exercise because I won't have homework to do over the summer. My friend Chelsea and I are joining a gym, and I think it's the best way to get into the habit of going to the gym. I can't wait to get started in this new routine, I just gotta start eating better in the mean time. Thanks for reading!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Uh oh.

So I sorta fell off the exercising band wagon for about 2 weeks. The first week, I had my period, the second week, I had a terrible sore throat and I couldn't stop coughing. So I took a break. I'm getting back on the wagon from here on out though! I'm proud to say that my diet has been pretty much the same though. I found this thing that helps keep track of your calorie intake, and it is amazing. There are so many great things to say about it that you'll just have to go to that link up there and see for your self.

Anyway. That's really all the news I have. Oh, and there's a new guy in my life, and he's not a jerk! FINALLY I found a good one. :) I've been walking on a cloud all day. 

Thanks for reading, I'll try to update more! MAYBE I'll post a picture next time...maybe.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Oh Goodness.

So Mother Nature paid me a visit this past Friday. And I said "Body, it's time to go work out," and my body said "No". I don't know why, but my cramps have been so debilitating lately so I didn't go to the gym on Friday, Saturday or Sunday. I know. Baaad idea. BUT! I didn't indulge in any super bad foods other than like, a brownie and some combos. So I didn't go to the gym, but I didn't let my diet go to shit either. So I think it all balances out. I think. 

I've decided to enter myself into the annual Chocolate Miracle 5k race in Hershey. It's in June so I have plenty of time to train and whatnot. Hopefully my step-sister will do it with me, but I'm not sure if she's going to ;) 

Well, really the only reason I updated this is because my sister asked me to. But yeah. Moral of the story is when you have your period, take a day or two to rest, and get right back into it when you feel better. :D

Monday, January 30, 2012

Day 7

Breakfast: Raisin Bran, 2% Milk (because I still haven't gotten to the store to get skim), and an orange. 

So. Went to the gym last night AND this morning, and my legs are killin' me! I love that feeling. When we would work out for softball and colorguard, I always loved the sore muscle feeling...idk why. probably because it made me feel like i did something with my body haha. 

I had a vegetable reuben for lunch, with garlic mashies, carrots, a little bit of rice, and a banana. to drink, i had water and milk. 

For dinner, I had a pbj, salt & vinegar chips, a nutrigrain bar, and water. and I ate like, 5 Combo cracker things just now. 

I think i'm doing well easing myself into a better diet. It's definitely hard, especially when i'm craving a buffalo chicken sub with ranch dressing...mmm. anyways, I'm signing up for my school's Biggest loser competition. I don't plan to win, i just think it'll be a good way to keep track of how i'm doing. We'll see. 

Oh, my friend Martin told me that he could tell I was losing weight today! <3 SUCH A GREAT FEELING! 

Monday, January 23, 2012

Day 1

My my my. The first day. What a good feeling! I woke up AT 6, got dressed, and was on the elliptical by 6:15. Can I just tell you how difficult the first 10 minutes was? Sheesh. You would have thought I was climbing a friggin' mountain. I was feeling like I wanted to quit, but then all of a muscles stopped hurting. It was like a diesel engine getting warmed up and ready to go. It was such a great feeling! I didn't want to push myself too hard since it was the first day, and I didn't want to weigh myself, again, because it's the first day, but I'm going to measure myself...since it's the first day. haha. talk about redundant.

belly 41
waist 34
bust 41
butt 42

Woah. Anywho. My breakfast is going to be oatmeal. And I'm hoping my lunch will be something like a turkey sandwich. I'll let you know.

Welp, my lunch was a turkey sandwich with lettuce, pickles, cheese, and mayo on wheat bread. I also had some alfredo pasta and watered down iced tea. I also had an orange.
As like, a snack, I had a ham egg and cheese sandwich about 2 hours later.
For dinner, I had a sliver of roast beef with carrots, green beans and half a bagel with cream cheese and jelly. To drink, I had milk and water. I also had a banana that made my tummy upset. :( OH! I forgot. My friend Amanda made me snicker doodles in exchange for a textbook. I'm going to check the health of snicker doodles right now. MY EYE HAS BEEN TWITCHING ALL DAY. Is that bad?

I think my first day went well. We'll see how my legs feel tomorrow. :)

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Reasons Why.

I have decided that I in order to keep track of my weight loss/health gain, I'm going to keep a blog. I have tried many times to keep a blog, but I never had anything to write about. Now I have something to write about: my journey to being healthy. 

The reasons I'm doing this are not to be "skinny" or "thin". When I was in high school, I was very strong and very athletic. I participated in sports and marching band (yeah, I'm one of those), so I was active all year. Since attending college, and being a music major, I have no time to be active in a sport or a club sport. Thus, I have gained a whopping 30 lbs. I know. Crazy. Well, I have just accepted the fact that I am beautiful in any body, but I want to have my strong healthy body back. 

Later edit: I want to be the best "me" I can be! Thanks Mrs. Bemis for putting that into words. :)

Since gaining this weight and really just letting my health slip, I have been experiencing back problems (probably due to my boobs getting to be the size of canteloupes) and I've just been lethargic about a lot of things. I've decided that I'm going to get back my old body, or even better than my old body ;), and stay healthy. I want to do this for myself, and only myself. I would also like to know that I can lose this weight and be determined and driven about something. 

A lot of my inspiration has come from this girl, Natasha, who has a tumblr about her weight loss progress. You can see her blog here. She is SUCH an inspiration to me, and I can only hope to be half as successful as she has been in her health gaining efforts. It also doesn't hurt that she loves Christina Aguilera as much as I do. :)

Anyway, if you care to follow my progress, I will start measuring and weighing myself tomorrow, and I'll update those weekly. I'm also going to post what I eat every day, not only so I can keep track, but so you, if you want to, can follow the same diet as me!